WP: Comfort

Sep 8, 2023 Ariel DeWinter
Southern Comfort is not for everyone!

Today’s prompt word is comfort!1

“Jason, I neeeed you to understaaaaand how fucking hot she is,” Bella slurred, trying (somewhat unsuccessfully) to stay on her stool. The latest hits of three years ago pumped over the bar speakers at barely-tolerable volumes, but Bella didn’t mind. “Like, gawd.” Standing up and planting her butt on the seat, she dropped her head on her folded arms. “Shmm nmmm wann ee wmm a rmm ike ee.”

“Bella, you’re sloshed and you’re talking to the bar. Head up and say that again.” Jason chided, his trademark eyeroll capping the sentence. “I can’t understand a single word you’re saying.”

“She’d never want to be with a girl like meeee!” Bella wailed before dropping her head into her arms again. “Shmm mm mmmm.”

“Oh my god, Bella. You’re pathetic.” Jason took a sip of his drink, scowled at it, and stole a sip of her Long Island.

“I said she’s too cute,” Bella moaned before reaching for the glass that had mysteriously moved. She didn’t notice. “She’s like, cute and so shy and she’s got this nose that I just want to bite but not in a bad way it’s just so cute and–”

Jason sighed and started to get up. “I knew that last drink was a mistake.” Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a few bills, glanced at them, and threw them on the bar. “Come on, Bella. Do I have to carry you out?”

“–and her EARS and the way that her EYES just say SO MUCH and–”

“Right, okay,” he grunted. Wrapping his arms around his little sister, he spun her off the stool and got her standing, only to catch her as she fell into him.

“–but like what if she doesn’t like me? What if she doesn’t look at meeee?” Tears sprung from her eyes as the alcohol-fueled waterworks started while she groped blindly for a handhold.

“I’m never letting you get Southern Comfort again. You’re a disgrace.” Grabbing her torso, he bodily lifted her off the floor and held her upright.

“Am I at least a CUTE disgrace?” she sobbed into his ear.

“You’re an adorable disgrace,” he responded.

  1. The prompts are selected on a rotating basis by my friends in Discord! The rules are simple:

    • It can be any word, idea, or concept
    • Keep it interesting within the 2000-character limit that Discord imposes on a single message
    • Keep the editing to an absolute minimum

    You should give it a try too – they’re fantastic opportunities to practice storytelling in a small window of time. What can you come up with for comfort↩︎