WP: Heat

Aug 20, 2023 Ariel DeWinter
What situation could two veteran agents not handle?

Today’s prompt word is heat!1

“Tell me again.”

“Warehouse. At least thirty inside. Seriously Bart, this is reconnaissance, not a firefight. We’re quiet, we’re in, we’re out.”

“Did you at least bring any toys?”

“I’ve always got more heat than you.” Jenna abandoned the conversation, instead creeping closer to one of the few windows of the large warehouse. She balanced one knee and slowly maneuvered a small mirror up to the bottom edge of the window, grimacing to herself while trying not to slip in the mud.

At this point, words were unnecessary; the pair had worked together for too long. Secrets were par for the course, and lies were the garnish of half-truths they told each other to make the days pass faster. This mission was one such lie, and both of them knew it. That’s what made it so exciting.

Jenna’s hands moved fluidly to explain her next steps: I look window. Bart steadied her and waited patiently for her update.

People in middle. Party? No attention. Safe maybe?

Go ahead?

Jenna nodded. They crept together slowly over the dirt, trying to ignore the gentle patter of raindrops and muffled laughter that served as the soundtrack for the evening. A side door, strategically cracked, beckoned to them through the waning light. You sure? Bart asked.

No. Let’s go, Jenna signed back. Bart rolled his eyes.

The door moved without complaint under Bart’s touch, and the pair slipped inside.

Then the world turned white.

The spotlight found them without so much as a blink, and the party did too. They rocketed themselves in opposite directions to find cover, but their movement was arrested by a cheer from beyond. Bart and Jenna stared at each other from their hiding places, and he watched in horror as a smile grew on Jenna’s face. Her lips started moving, and through the fear Bart was able to make out words as he slowly became more aware that the cheers had morphed into something else:

“…to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Baaarrt…. happy birthday to you!”

  1. The prompts are selected on a rotating basis by my friends in Discord! The rules are simple:

    • It can be any word, idea, or concept
    • Keep it interesting within the 2000-character limit that Discord imposes on a single message
    • Keep the editing to an absolute minimum

    You should give it a try too – they’re fantastic opportunities to practice storytelling in a small window of time. What can you come up with for heat↩︎