WP: Pant, Pants, or Panting

Aug 26, 2023 Ariel DeWinter
A dialogue! Hidden notes bring hidden secrets…

Today’s prompt words are pant, pants, or panting!1

“Have you ever seen worse handwriting in your life?”

The crumpled note spread flat on the table refused to give up its secrets to the two auburn-haired heads staring at it in confusion. “Where did you find this again?”

“In my pants after I picked them up from the dry cleaners.”

“You’re sure this is in English?”

“Yes, dummy. I’m sure it’s in English. Look: ‘miss our daily panting, coffee zoom’.”

“I really don’t think that’s what it says.”

“Okay, but the first part is definitely right, yeah? ‘Miss our daily’?”

“Yeah, I think so. What’s the next word, though? Pant? Pants?”

“It’s longer than that. Is that a P or a B?”

“Oooh. It might be a B.”

They straightened the note again, hoping that flattening it again would somehow make it more legible.

“Maybe we need to be drunk to understand it.”

“Marcie. What?”

“You know! Like maybe the letters will swim together or something and it’ll be clearer.”

“I’m pretty sure that only happens in the movies.”

“Okay fine, whatever. Is it a B?”

“Bant? Banter?”

“I dunno. That does not look like an ER.”

“Right, but the rest of this doesn’t look like English, so it’s the best lead I’ve got.”

“Do you have any better ideas?”

“Fine, we’ll go with ‘banter’. So we have ‘miss our daily banter, coffee zoom’?”

“Zoom? Like, an online coffee date? Is there someone new I don’t know about?”

“No! …Maybe. Probably not.”


“No, no one new. There’s a new cute guy at work, but that’s not important right now!”

“Right. The note.”

“Finally, back on topic.”

“…but is he cute or is he cute, you know? You could use a new boytoy.”


“God, I’m just asking!”

“…he’s really fucking cute, okay?”

“I knew it. You always get flustered when there’s new cute around.”

“Can we just, like, focus for one minute to figure this out?”

“Fiiiiiine. Are you sure that’s a Z? Zoom?”

“Z? Maybe S?”


“‘Miss our daily banter, coffee soon?’ …oh.”

“I think that you’re not being entirely truthful, Angel.”

  1. The prompts are selected on a rotating basis by my friends in Discord! The rules are simple:

    • It can be any word, idea, or concept
    • Keep it interesting within the 2000-character limit that Discord imposes on a single message
    • Keep the editing to an absolute minimum

    You should give it a try too – they’re fantastic opportunities to practice storytelling in a small window of time. What can you come up with for pant, pants, or panting↩︎