WP: Safe

Aug 23, 2023 Ariel DeWinter
Emotional fight scenes need practice too!

Today’s prompt word is safe!1

There it is again. I always fucking cry. Those bastard tears, the betrayers; all Tanya wanted was to look in control, look like she had this all contained, look like this didn’t affect her that way.

The mirror, she knew, would not agree.

“What the absolute fuck is wrong with you?”, she snarled, fighting the wetness she could already feel in her eyes. “Why do you think I would want to see her after all these years? I left for a reason!” Her last words practically shouted, the other woman held up her hands.

“Tanya, she’s your mom. Families should be together for weddings. It’s a happy time,” her (former, as of two minutes ago) best friend protested.

“She’s the woman who gave birth to me, Vic,” Tanya snapped. “You fucking know that.”

“She’s your mother. She wants to see you. I just–”

“You just what? You wanted to fuck up my wedding day? You wanted to try and play happy family repairman? You wanted me to forget the whole ‘I’d rather you marry a chair than another woman’ thing?” Tanya paced rapidly, arms vibrating at her sides. Turning on her heel, she pointed angrily. “I had one rule for my wedding. Just one. And you broke it,” she spat.

“She’s your family!” Vic protested, strategically moving to stay outside Tanya’s reach. “Family should stick together.”

“Are you insane? Do you not remember the drugs? The ‘accidental’ burns? The only time I’ve ever felt safe in my whole goddamn life is when I’m with Callie! She is my family. Not you, not that woman, not…” The anger overpowered her senses – clawing at her hair, she sank to the floor with a wail. “Why did you do this? Why would you do this to me?”

“Tanya, I– I– Callie has never been right for you! I’ve been by your side through it all! You never look my way! I’ve supported you through so much and you never give me a chance!” Vic’s face twisted into a sneer, the calm facade falling away. “We were meant to be together!” she shrieked.

“Get the fuck out.”

The tears began to fall.

  1. The prompts are selected on a rotating basis by my friends in Discord! The rules are simple:

    • It can be any word, idea, or concept
    • Keep it interesting within the 2000-character limit that Discord imposes on a single message
    • Keep the editing to an absolute minimum

    You should give it a try too – they’re fantastic opportunities to practice storytelling in a small window of time. What can you come up with for safe↩︎